Monday, October 12, 2020

2.3 due 10/16: The Great Debate over the Ratification Of the Constitution

The Great Debate 

Over the Ratification Of the Constitution

Research the mindset of the Founding Fathers as you read, The Great Debate

       Who do you agree with, the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists?

Respond in a paragraph of minimum of five sentences in response to the question. Explain your reasoning. Use evidence from the reading selection regarding the ratification of the Constitution. 

See  any other responses on the discussion blog? If so, respond to your classmate and state if you agree or disagree. Explain your reasoning. and use evidence. 

1 comment:

  1. I see the rightful viability of both sides, and am deadlocked as to the prospect of which side I would have societally adjusted to if I had lived in those times. Fundamentally, both parties were first and foremost concerned with the protection and preservation of liberty, but were stationed upon outermost polarities on the subject of national government. Federalists full heartedly believed that a strong central government would be the best mode of unifying the states into one powerful alliance. The Anti-Federalists, however, vividly remembered their past in Britain and were adamant upon ideally small, localized governmental oversight and more readily available citizen participation in legal endeavors directly affecting them.


Thanks for sharing your insights! Mrs. Bernstein